Our Work
Cat and kitten rescue
Cats and kittens of all ages are found on the streets of Bali, in garbage bins and in the grounds of hotels, villas and restaurants and the people who pick them up contact Villa Kitty Foundation for help and this is how it starts.
For the tiny ones our first question will always be is the mother anywhere near by? Most rescuers know this and have spent hours waiting and watching out for a mother.
We are prepared for their arrival. We have a stock of cat milk replacer, bottles and teats, and we have hot water bottles for the tiny ones warmth.
Villa Kitty Foundation has worked with Sunset Vet Bali for many years now and we have always called on them for their support with difficult cases.
Sterilization & Vaccination
Villa Kitty Foundation offers FREE sterilisation three times a month. We work with Bali Pet Crusaders and Drh Eko and we take bookings of up to 20 cats each Sterilisation Day. Our vets offer FREE sterilisation of male kittens by appointment Monday to Friday.
We vaccinate the kittens in our care as early as 6 weeks and revaccinate every 3-4 weeks two to three more times as there is a high risk of the Panleukopenia virus on Bali. We offer this to all foster families FREE and for local people who cannot afford to pay.
Adopting & Fostering
The adoption of our cats and kittens to families offering safe homes is our most sought after goal. Our work revolves around preparing the arriving kittens and cats for the day they meet their new families.
We encourage people to take two kittens if they do not have other cats at home. Kittens need their siblings or other kittens for social development. Kittens learn from their mothers and siblings and those little ones who are adopted with their sibling or another kitten are known to be more socialised than those who are isolated from others.
Foster families are such an important part of any shelter. They save the lives of unvaccinated kittens by keeping them out of the shelter where it is always a risk for kittens going through their vaccination process.
Fostering families are a great example to others as they spread the word about the joys of fostering kittens. We really appreciate them!