Sponsor Ginger Rogers
Would you be Ginger Rogers sponsor? We know it’s not a family of his own but with your help, he will never miss a meal, he will always have a comfortable bed and we will give him loads of cuddles. Ginger Rogers will make sure of that!
Ginger Rogers and his nifty PJs! No, they’re not incontinence pants: here’s the real story.
Ginger Rogers and Evie are the original characters in Villa Kitty’s Special Needs area
Ginger Rogers suffered a massive injury when two violent shakes of a dog’s head rendered him a paraplegic. He seems to be unaware of this and demands to do all that his able bodied friends can do.
It all started when we moved to the new Villa Kitty in Mas. Ginger Roger and Evie’s area became a bustling area for the three legged, traumatised and sight impaired cats. From just these two to thirty-one cats with varying needs.
Ginger Rogers zips about on the smooth tiles in the Special Needs but as his area filled with felines he started to see the grass was greener on the other side. Sadly this area has concrete paths and the quote to tile it was huge. Dragging his back legs on the concrete paths caused horrible wounds, hence the protective PJs! We tried to have them made for him but found the best solution was to get baby’s pyjamas and secure them with masking tape. Anyone have a better solution?
Ginger Roger’s strong personality is matched by his upper body strength. He used to be known as the Ping Pong Wizard. A ping pong ball and a wall and the game was on! Yes, we did try wheels, but Ginger Rogers is an intrepid climber and they weighed him down. He bolts about in his PJs, tearing through gardens and across floors until he comes to rest on a random dog’s bed. Woe betide the dog if he fancies a little lie down. Ginger Rogers is immune to pleading. In fact, he rules!
Ginger Rogers will never be adopted from Villa Kitty, but you can virtually sponsor him right now. Keep him in sporty pyjamas and ensure he lives his very best life.