Thanks for your support in 2023

I am writing to you today with a heartfelt message of thanks.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to possibly our most difficult year on record. A year of turmoil, uncertainty, but also outstanding achievements - only made possible because of the support of animal lovers like you.

In our second year here at Villa Kitty in Tegal Bingin, Mas, we’ve not only welcomed cats and kittens, but also dogs and puppies in need of help. Our compassion has no boundaries.

Since January 1st, 2023 Villa Kitty has welcomed 1,223 cats and kittens in need of help. It was only because of our incredible staff and your unwavering support that they could all receive life-saving care and a second chance.

Your support has been, and continues to be, crucial in helping to vaccinate and sterilise our resident cats, as well as young kittens and cats who are brought to us for different reasons. With your donations, we are also able to support the community by helping those who cannot afford to pay for treatment and vaccinations, and we continue to offer free sterilisations three days a week. We do this because it saves precious lives.

Our current medical team is made up of three expert veterinarians working daily in our overcrowded hospital to ensure every single animal receives the treatment they need - their compassion and dedication never ceases to amaze me. These brave doctors deserve the highest praise.

With the increasing number of animals coming through our doors, we hope for a full-time team of five veterinarians in 2024. Of course, this will mean an increase in costs, but it will also mean more lives saved in the coming year.

As some of you might know, working in a shelter can be heart-breaking. In a place like Bali, where cats are not always revered, community support is extremely valued and important to our work.

Over this last year, we had the pleasure to have local schools visit and make an impact on the younger generation. The most delightful visit without a doubt was to the local SDN 1 MAS. Out of their 162 primary school students, over a dozen boys and girls eagerly visited our foundation in the afternoons to spend time with our cats to help socialise them and prepare them for adoption.

It’s been wonderful to see the kindness and compassion of these young students.

Another highlight this last year has been the Project Cat Poo. While we still have a way to go to lease land to use for the composting project, we are confident that, with your ongoing support, it will be a success. Along with this project, we also plan to introduce a different form of litter made of coconut peat and added enzymes. Both these initiatives will help to make a huge difference to the environment. Please keep in contact if you are with us on this project, supporting a foundation that cares for the environment.

As the end of the year approaches, I’d like to ask you to please consider giving a special gift to help us continue our life-changing work in 2024.

Whether it’s free sterilisations and vaccinations, emergency rescue, community support projects or environmentally friendly initiatives, your support is and will always be the driving force behind our work.

Thank you and our best wishes to you for a kinder 2024.

With warm regards,

Elizabeth Henzell
Villa Kitty Foundation


Please, put a little shine and sparkle into 2024.


Our roofs need urgent repair